Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Few Good Men Destroyed in DC

Washington DC has a way of destroying good men. They come to town with integrity and character and it seems to be drained out of them the longer they serve. There are bad men who get elected also, but not much can be done to them except get them out of office (One Term Limit would accomplish this).
The people who I want to discuss are good people when they get here. When "fiscal conservatives" arrive in town screaming of cutting spending, take as much pork as "liberal spenders" by justifying to themselves that if they did not do it they would be short changing their districts. How about standing up for your principles that got you elected in the first place, which was not to secure as much pork as possible. Although by doing such a thing it sure helps your reelection campaign through taxpayer dollars. The incentive is there so you can continue to be reelected regardless of the needs of your district. (see Murtha International Airport with two flights daily) One more large reason why one term and your out would be a great thing. The incentive would be to do what is right in your opinion, not what is best for reelection.
The founding fathers wrote as much about character as they did about actions when describing others and events of their day. Today character seems to be dismissed as old fashioned notion that has no place in today's world. Of course Tiger Woods comes to mind here, but it could be many other names, Kobe Bryant, Gary Hart, Jack Welch, Wilt Chamberlain, or JFK. I am not talking about a relationship where it is open, but a traditional marriage where each person makes a promise to his/her own idea of a higher power that they will remain faithful to their partner. I am not a prude and am not trying to cast judgement but using a person's past to create a judgement about their future behavior is just good business, someone who would break their promise they have made to themselves and the person closest to them in life, would be more likely to break a promise to you also. Is there such a thing as a good dad but a poor husband? Or is one of the requirements of being a good father the fact that you need to be a good husband also? Can you run a large organization well but be a horrible father/mother? These questions come to mind as I type away here hoping that if we discuss these things in the open it will help make myself a better person all around.


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