Monday, February 08, 2010

Populst Anger, Solution or Death Spiral?

Populist Anger, Is that Obama's solution to his problems? Redirect attention somewhere else?
It seems that the White House thinks it is in an election, with campaigning and fund raising but no substance. Now is the time for workable solutions, not pie in the sky wish lists. Campaigning is not going to stop the back lash from the failed policies and poor selection of candidates. Bringing back campaign strategists to work in the White House will not create good policy.

I have trouble understanding the administration's problem with other people's bonuses. Their own, no problem but give someone a pre-agreed upon compensation and get treated like a criminal. All the while criminals are treated to overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom. As former President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was the person who negotiated on the people's behalf with AIG and that was the time to wring concessions from the company about the bonuses not complain later. Once again with an Obama appointee you are left wondering, "Is it incompetence, or something else?" I wonder where Mr Geither will work after his time at the Treasury department is over? A bank on Wall Street perhaps???

I have lived in and operated a small business in the City of Alexandria and become familiar with anti-business practices. Yes, Everyone says they are for business, but then time and time again create policies and procedures that hinder business growth and creation. Now it seems that this issue is going national. We can not have a federal government that is against business. Small Businesses (which even Fortune 500 companies started as) is the engine that has driven this country for over 200 years. Why not create an environment that fosters business creation? I am not sure what Obama stands for (problem there don't you think) but we are learning what he does not stand for. Business. He has also shown us he is defintely not for keeping the government out of our lives.

Unless Obama can do some serious damage control, it looks like
Yes, We Can has become Four and Out.


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