Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Welcome Back Carter (or was it Kotter)

Jimmy Carter is a great man. He has been successful in leading a good life and setting an example for others to follow. He has raised a wonderful family and been a devoted husband his entire adult life. With all this said, He was a horrible president.
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Bush II, Clinton, all had shall we say character defects that perhaps made them less of a saint, but managed to be successful presidents. Coincidence? I think not. Bush I was a great man, but his presidency did not meet his own expectations, Following Reagan would have been tough on anyone. His raised a very successful family while being faithful to his wife for longer then I have been alive. One son president and so far another Governor of Florida, maybe another president someday.
Where does this leave Barack Obama? My personal take on it is he means well and in his heart he wants to help others live a better life, but reality has a way of disrupting the best laid plans. I feel Barack Obama is on route to being one of the worst (if not the worst) president in the modern era.
Ronald Reagan often said the reason he was successful was he surrounded himself with greatness. I think the exact opposite is Obama's downfall, he has surrounded himself with marginal players in key positions. His most important jobs are staffed with not so great people. Never mind politics, or liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, but just a simple good or bad.
VP Joe Biden - will anyone defend this selection?

Sec State - Hillary, Obama's number one rival in the state department. Watch when she resigns next year so she can run against his failed presidency. She has done a better job at Sec State then Obama as president and that will haunt him during the primaries.

Sec Defense - Gates as a hold over from the Bush era has done well. He is a good man doing his best for the country. Obama's best performer so far and he inherited him from his nemisis W.

Attorney General - what more needs to be said other then letting the fox run the chicken coop. Just not a very nice person either. Dishonest is the way he is described by those close to him. (Justice Dept will be receiving more then it's share of comments here going forward) see IG firing, Black Panther dismissal, tax cheats, political shenanigans

Chief of Staff - an over looked position unless you study the great presidents. They all had great chief of staffs. As gatekeeper to the President, the influence is out sized. And Obama has a political hack in the job. He is a hatchet man so his performance should be no surprise to anyone. The real question is who picked him for as Chief of Staff? We know the answer and once again it reflects poorly on Obama. Chief of Staff should be focused on Planning and Execution. Two things that are sorely lacking in the White House and it starts at the top. Execution as in making it work, not killing your opponent. Instead his focus is on hurting the opposition party not doing what is best for the country or even the President.

Let me know what you think and look forward to the next post titled Pultizer Prize for the National Enquirer.


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