Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Health Care Reform Now...easy just listen

Health Care has been undergoing reforming for years now. It seems that we have 50 different approaches to the issue from the fifty different states. So why don't we put them all side by side and see what works and what doesn't. Seems too simple for real life doesn't it? There are a couple of issues that have to be addressed. They are the rising costs and increased coverage for more people. Lets look at increasing coverage so more people have the opportunity to purchase insurance. That does not mean everyone will choose to buy it though, and that should be a personal choice to make.
Ted Kennedy was never for universal coverage, his original idea was anyone working 40 hours of week would have affordable insurance as an option. The Great State of Hawaii has taken it a step further with what seems to my distant view as successful. I would welcome more people whom are more familiar with the system there to speak up and be heard. One would think this would be a good thing but in the current political situation anyone speaking up is attacked personally. Where are the elected representatives of the states that have been successful pushing their ideas to a national stage?
Hawaii passed a law requiring employers to offer insurance for every employee working 20 hours a week. They have achieved over 90% coverage and the system is highly touted by all sides. I would like to hear from the employers and see what it has done to them. I own a restaurant with 11 employees and what would the cost to me be? Can the cost be mitigated by reducing the payroll tax from 7% down to 4%? There are many other ideas out there that need to be heard. The President has talked a great game about listening to ideas and considering them, but his reality has been different. Hopefully Obama really means it when he says he wants to listen to the best ideas out there.
Another idea that needs to be discussed further is lowering the age of Medicare to 18. The system is already built to handle all the processes. it would just need to be expanded. Why create an entirely new bureaucracy when the infrastructure is already there?
There are too many good ideas out there not being heard or considered due to the political paralysis in Washington.


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